布蘭達身邊的朋友都知道布蘭達最近很愛跟身邊的姊姊妹妹們推廣So Purkh,下面這是Ramdesh Kaur的分享喔!布蘭達一開始就是加入Ramdesh的group的唷!現在我們台灣有自己的So Purkh Group在FB上,還未加入的姊姊妹妹們,快點加入吧


This year at 3HO's Winter Solstice, I was invited to teach a workshop on the powerful meditation So Purkh.  The So Purkh was our first 40 Day Global Sadhana for Spirit Voyage and remains a personal passion for me.  In this workshop I shared what I learned from watching almost 400 people go through it for 40 days (and many to 90) in addition to my own daily practice of this beautiful shabad.  I touched on a wide variety of topics, and these short clips highlight a few of the issues I discussed.

So Purkh Workshop at Winter Solstice with Ramdesh Kaur from Spirit Voyage on Vimeo.

Here are a few short clips from Ramdesh Kaur's So Purkh workshop at 3HO's Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration this year. She touches on topics such as dealing with emotions, seeing colors, starting So Purkh circles, and falling asleep during recitations of this sacred mantra.

Here is the recording we used in the workshop.


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